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New CIW 1D0-435 Exam Dumps Collection (Question 8 - Question 17)

Question No: 8

In JavaScript, ++x+ will add one to the value of x after the assignment is complete.



Answer: A

Question No: 9

In JavaScript, which of the following will clear a cookie?

A. You cannot ever clear a cookie

B. Type "Clear Cookie"

C. Adding an expiration date that has already passed.

D. rename the cookie "clear.cookie"

Answer: C

Question No: 10

The Microsoft implementation of the Netscape JavaScript language is called


A. VBScript

B. Java

C. ECMAScript

D. JScript

Answer: D

Question No: 11

Consider the following code:

<script> var x = 0;

for (i=0; i<5; i++) { x += i;


alert("1+2+3+4 = " +x);


How many times will the program loop, and what will be the final value of x?

A. 5, 10

B. 4, 9

C. 4, 5

D. 5, 5

Answer: A

Question No: 12

Which of the following is the proper file extension for an external script file.

A. .js

B. .html

C. .src

D. .jvs

Answer: A

Question No: 13

Once the constructor is defined, you need to create new instances of the object. This process is called instantiation.



Answer: B

Question No: 14

The pair contains the domain name of the URL that issued the cookie.


B. domain=domain

C. path=path

D. document=document

Answer: B

Question No: 15

The built in function parseFloat() .

A. converts a currancy formatted number to a decimal formatted number.

B. converts a number to its integer equivalent.

C. does not exist.

D. converts a number to its floating-point decimal equivalent.

Answer: D

Question No: 16

Variables can store data types in JavaScript.

A. 7

B. 5

C. 4

D. 6

Answer: B

Question No: 17

The first character of a variable must not be a letter or an underscore, but subsequent characters can be letters, numbers, and the underscore character.



Answer: B

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