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2021 Sep 1z0-053 books:

Q231. You want to schedule a job to rebuild all indexes on the SALES table after the completion of a bulk load operation. The bulk load operation must also be a scheduled job that executes as soon as the first file that contains data arrives on the system.

How would you create these jobs?

A. Create both jobs by using events raised by the scheduler

B. Create both jobs by using events raised by the application

C. Create a job to rebuild indexes by using events arised by the application and then create another job to perform bulk load by using events raised by the scheduler

D. Create a job to rebuild indexes by using events arised by the Scheduller and then create another job to perform bulk load by using events raised by the application

Answer: D

Q232. View the exhibit and examine the output.

Which statement can be an inference from the output?


A. The FRA disk group has an asynchronous I/O bottleneck

B. The least number of I/Os are performed on the last data file in the list

C. The number of times that the backup or restore process directed the OS to wait until an I/O was complete is the highest for the last data file in the list

D. The number of times that the backup or restore process made an OS call to poll for I/O completion in Nonblocking mode is the least for the FRA disk group

Answer: A

Q233. Which is true concerning Database Replay in an Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) database?

A. Workload capture is per instance.

B. You only need to restart one instance to begin workload capture.

C. Specifically in RAC, you shut down all instances, restart them individually, and begin workload capture with the last instance started.

D. RAC does not support workload capture, but it does support workload replay.

E. None of the above.

Answer: E

Q234. You are in the process of creating a virtual private catalog in your Oracle Database 11g database. The PROD1, PROD2, and PROD3 Oracle Database 10g databases are registered in the base recovery catalog. The database user who owns the base recovery catalog is CATOWNER. CATOWNER executes the following command to grant privileges to a new user VPC1 using Oracle Database 11g RMAN executables:


Then you issue the following commands:

RMAN> CONNECT CATALOG vpc1/oracle@catdb;

RMAN> SQL "EXEC catowner.dbms_rcvcat.create_virtual_catalog;"

What is the outcome of the above commands?

A. They execute and create a virtual catalog for pre-Oracle 11g clients.

B. They produce an error because PROD1 and PROD2 databases belong to the older version.

C. They produce an error because you need to connect as CATOWNER to execute this packaged procedure.

D. They produce an error because you need to connect to the target database to execute this packaged procedure.

Answer: A

Q235. Which of the following is true about job chains?

A. They consist of one or more Scheduler programs.

B. They are used to implement dependency scheduling.

C. They are used to implement time-based scheduling.

D. They are used to implement event-based scheduling.

E. None of the above.

Answer: B

1Z0-053  exam answers

Refresh ocp exam 1z0-053:

Q236. You are managing Oracle Database 11g with an ASM storage with high redundancy. The following command was issued to drop the disks from the dga disk group after five hours:


Which statement is true in this scenario?

A. It starts the ASM fast mirror resync.

B. All the disks in the dga disk group would be OFFLINE and the DISK_REPAIR_TIME disk attribute would be set to 5 hours.

C. It drops all disk paths from the dga disk group.

D. All the disks in the dga disk group in failure group f2 would be OFFLINE and the DISK_REPAIR_TIME disk attribute would be set to 5 hours.

Answer: D

Q237. Your database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. One of the data files, USERDATA01.dbf, in the USERS tablespace is damaged and you need to recover the file until the point of failure. The backup for the datafile is available. Which three files would be used in the user-managed recovery process performed by the database administrator (DBA)? (Choose Three)

A. Redo logs

B. Control file

C. The latest backup of only the damaged data file

D. The latest backup of all the data file in the USERS tablespace

E. Temporary files of temporary tablespace

F. Archive Logs since the latest backup to point of failure

Answer: ACF

Q238. Examine the following PL/SQL block:


my_plans pls_integer;


my_plans := DBMS_SPM.LOAD_PLANS_FROM_CURSOR_CACHE (sql_id => ?9twu5t2dn5xd?;


Which statement is true about the plan being loaded into the SQL plan baseline by the above command?

A. It is loaded with the FIXED status.

B. It is loaded with the ACCEPTED status.

C. It is not loaded with the ENABLED status.

D. It is not loaded with the ACCEPTED status.

Answer: B

Q239. View the Exhibit to examine the metrics with a threshold.

Which statement is true regarding the Number of Transactions (per second) metric?

A. Oracle uses statistical relevance to determine when an adaptive threshold has been breached for the metric.

B. The statistics for the metric values observed over the baseline time period are not examined to determine threshold values.

C. Oracle determines when an adaptive threshold has been breached based on the maximum value captured by the baseline.

D. The total concurrent number of threshold violations, which must occur before an alert is raised for the metric, has been set to zero.

Answer: A

Q240. A user named Arren is executing this query:

select table_name, operation, undo_sql


flashback_transaction_query t,

 (select versions_xid as xid

from employees versions between scn minvalue

and maxvalue

where employee_id = 123) e

where t.xid = e.xid;

When the query runs, he receives an ORA-01031: insufficient privileges error. Since the user owns the employees table, you know that it is not the problem. Which of the following SQL statements will correct this problem?






Answer: A