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2021 Sep 1Z0-218 test
Q41. Your organization has decided to implement row-level security. You suggested securing data by associating the company with people having jobs. This method of securing data is known as _____.
A. Access Type / Role
B. Permission List / Role
C. Security set / Access Type
D. Security set / Permission List
E. Permission List / User Profile
F. Access Type / Permission List
Answer: C
Q42. Identify the three defaults that can be set in the Business Unit Options Default table. (Choose three.)
A. Set ID
B. Country
C. Company
D. Pay Group
E. Standard Hours
F. Regulatory Region
Answer: BCE
Q43. You are at your client site working on PeopleSoft HRMS implementation. One of your tasks is to add systemwide defaults in order to save time when a user is entering information in transaction tables.
Identify which field is NOT a default option in the Org Default by Permission List component.
A. SetID
B. Country
C. Company
D. To Currency
E. Business Unit
F. Compensation Frequency
Answer: F
Q44. Select three tables that use SetID as the highest key. (Choose three.)
A. Location
B. Job Code
C. Company
D. Department
E. Business Unit
F. Establishment
Answer: ABD
Q45. Identify the three types of organizational relationships that PeopleSoft HCM 9.0 has. (Choose three.)
A. Trustee
B. Employee
C. Contractor
D. Board Member
E. Person of Interest
F. Contingent Worker
G. Global Payroll Employee
Answer: BEF
Most up-to-date 1Z0-218 exam guide:
Q46. Using a Permission List associated with a user and identifying security sets and access types in the Security by Permission List component of PeopleSoft are known as _____.
A. Role-based data permission security
B. Tree-based data permission security
C. Group-based data permission security
D. Country-based data permission security
E. PeopleCode-based data permission security
Answer: A
Q47. Which four components can be used to add a job instance for a person in PeopleSoft HCM 9.0? (Choose four.)
A. Manage Hires
B. Modify a Person
C. Add Employment Instance
D. Add Person of Interest Job
E. Add Contingent Worker Instance
Answer: ACDE
Q48. While you are entering a new hire into Job Data, you come to the Salary Plan page. You notice that the Salary Step field is populated.
From which table did the default value come from?
A. Location
B. Job Code
C. Paygroup
D. Company
E. Department
Answer: B
Q49. Using components of pay is a PeopleSoft Human Resources function that enables organizations to define single or multiple rates of pay, represented by Comp Rate (compensation rate) codes to identify what make up a workers compensation package.
The Comp Rate Code table page provides organizations with three capabilities: _____, _____ and _____. (Choose three.)
A. create base pay and non-base pay Rate Codes
B. create minimum, midpoint, and maximum rates for each Rate Code
C. define step increment advancement by hours and months for each Rate Code
D. identify Rate Code types, such as a flat rate, an hourly rate, a percentage, or a point system
E. categorize Rate Code by class to simplify searching throughout the system for specific Rate Codes
Answer: ADE
Q50. What should you do when system performance is affected and you no longer want to maintain all employee records on the Job table?
A. Purge employee data from the system.
B. Use PeopleCode to hide data on the Job Data page.
C. Access the Job Data page in Correct History mode and change the status to Inactive.
D. Insert a new effective dated row on the Job Data page and change the status to Inactive.
E. Change the description field on the Job Data page to state that this row is no longer active.
Answer: A