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2021 Sep 1Z0-228 free download
Q41. The InterUnit Activity Report shows you the InterUnit ChartField for every______ SpecifieD.
A. SetID
B. Ledger
C. Legal entity
D. Business Unit
Answer: D
Q42. Your retail client is performing a PeopleSoft implementation. They have these requirements:
1. ChartField POS to capture Point of Sale information
2. ChartField to accommodate up to 15 alphanumeric characters
3. Minimum setup and configuration
Select a series of steps that will best accomplish the requirements.
A. Add a new ChartField and relabel the ChartField namE.
B. Add a new ChartField and change the display lengtH.
C. Activate an expansion ChartField, relabel the ChartField name, and change the ChartField display length.
D. Activate an expansion ChartField, relabel the ChartField name, and resize the field lengtH.
Answer: C
Q43. Your client has created an adjustment journal. The adjustment must be made in a closed period where the journals have been archived.
Which option should you select?
A. Open the period and make the adjustment.
B. Restore the archived journals and make the adjustment.
C. Restore the archived journals and ledgers, open the period, make the adjustment, and restate financial statements if necessary, in accordance with FASB or other regulatory requirements.
D. Run the Archive Journal Update process to create the adjustment in the archived and dosed perioD.
Answer: D
Q44. You have been assigned to create a department rollup tree for your organization. The following department information is available:
Which two effective-dated trees will include all departments?
A. tree dated 01/01/2011
B. tree dated 12/31/2010
C. tree dated 01/01/1900
D. tree dated 01/31/2011
Answer: B,C
Q45. On the General Ledger Definition - Journal Options page, the journal options are set by______.
A. SetID
B. Ledger
C. Control Group
D. Tree
E. Ledger Group
F. Business Unit
Answer: F
Reference: (http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/A60725_05/html/comnls/us/gl/usingb11.htm)

Refresh 1Z0-228 test questions:
Q46. When deferred processing is enabled, most fields on the journal entry are not updated or validated until you perform one of these two actions.
A. Save the page.
B. Use SpeedTypes.
C. Tab to a new field.
D. Click a button, link, or page tab.
Answer: A,D
Q47. Which two statements describe SpeedTypes?
A. Use of SpeedTypes can reduce keying errors.
B. SpeedTypes use trees for efficiency.
C. Use of SpeedTypes can greatly improve efficiency by saving keystrokes
D. SpeedTypes are shared with PeopleSoft Payables.
E. SpeedTypes are used as a trigger for certain processes.
Answer: A,C
Q48. Select two statements that best describe the purpose of Journal Class.
A. determines Feeder System
B. determines which ledger to post the journal to
C. is used to trigger People Code and processes
D. categorizes entries coming from both PeopleSoft and non-PeopleSoft Financial systems
E. breaks journal entries into multiple categories for reporting purposes
Answer: A,E
Q49. Your tree for translating budget keys contains only nodes and no leaves in the hierarchy. This is an example of a_____.
A. Spring tree
B. Winter tree
C. tree branch
D. Summer tree
E. Summary tree
Answer: A
Q50. Which three levels represent the hierarchy of journal error processing?
A. Ledger
B. Source
C. Account
D. As of Date
E. Department
F. Business Unit
Answer: A,B,F