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2021 Sep 1Z0-228 pdf exam
Q1. From where would a user access the JRNL1.xIs Control Worksheet page?
A. local drive
B. file attachments
C. General Ledger, Journals
D. Accounting Entry Templates
E. Set Up Financials/Supply Chain
Answer: A
Q2. Which two processes CANNOT be performed in batch mode?
A. Edit Journal
B. Post Journal
C. Print Journal
D. Copy Journal
E. Delete Journal
F. Submit Journal
Answer: B,E
Q3. Identify the best description for the Journal Edit Hierarchy.
A. Journal overrides Ledger.
B. Business Unit overrides Ledger.
C. Business Unit overrides SourcE.
D. Source overrides Business Unit.
E. Journal Edit overrides based on User Preferences.
Answer: A
Q4. Your organization requires that all General Ledger journal entries for the Payables liability account have a blank department on the entries.
Identify the best approach to achieve this business requirement.
A. Use ChartField combination edits.
B. Manually change the erroneous journal entries.
C. Use Journal Entry Template to hide the department fielD.
D. Use page-level PeopleCode to enforce the business rulE.
Answer: A
Q5. Which three statements correctly describe tree nodes?
A. The root node is always a parent nodE.
B. The parent node is the first node of the treE.
C. Sibling nodes have the same parent nodE.
D. The parent node has other nodes reporting to it.
E. Nodes at the same level are always sibling nodes.
Answer: A,B,C

Most up-to-date 1Z0-228 test question:
Q6. Which functionality does NOT use PeopleSoft Trees?
A. PS/nVision
B. Allocations
C. Consolidations
D. Open Item Reconciliation
E. Summary Ledgers
Answer: D
http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBgQFjAA&url=http%3 A%2F%2Fwww.oracle.com%2Fus%2Fproducts%2Fapplications%2Fpeoplesoft-enterprise%2Fdelivering-value-wp-068318.pdf&rct=j&q=PeopleSoft%20Trees%20functionality%20Consolidations&ei=SDBFT seXF8zVsgbvq-WiCQ&usg=AFQjCNEnpqZbHXpEsSbhcyLB8uMk-TP9eg
Q7. Which three statements describe the Year-End Close process?
A. closes all adjustment periods
B. closes selected adjustment periods
C. requires that all P/L accounts be closed
D. requires that only selected accounts be closed
E. directly updates the ledger but provides for optional creation of journal entries for audit trail
F. creates journal entries for balancing transactions and posts them to the user-defined P/L closing account with the net amount
Answer: C,E,F
Q8. Which are the three categories of report variables that are available for use when creating PS/nVision Layouts?
A. Tree
B. Source
C. Summary
D. Scope-Related
E. Report Request
F. Date and Time Period
Answer: D,E,F
Q9. Where in PeopleSoft can you view a list of tasks for the products you are implementing for an organization?
A. PeopleBooks
B. Setup Manager
C. General Ledger
D. Integration Broker
E. Application Messaging
Answer: A
Q10. You can enable PeopleSoft Financials Audit Framework (Audit Logging):
A. from the Enable Audit Logging page
B. to provide a detail audit trail of selected journal processing events
C. for PeopleSoft General Ledger, Payables, Receivables, and Asset Management
D. to track deleted journal entries
E. All of the above
Answer: E