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2021 Jun 1Z0-498 dumps
Q41. Identify three aspects that help define Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence.
A. Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence is a real time, self-service reporting directly off Fusion
B. Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence provides unlimited historical analysis, including
C. Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence provides pre-packaged content covering major Fusion Applications.
D. Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence is built on Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition technology.
Answer: A,B,C
Q42. Identify the two abstract roles predefined in Fusion PPM.
A. Project Administrator B. Project Manager
C. Project Accountant
D. Project Team Member
E. Project Creator
Answer: B,D
Q43. Identify two possible statuses available for reviewing the allocation transaction, after having run the Generate Allocations process in Fusion PPM.
A. draft success
B. draft failure
C. release Failure
D. deletion in progress
E. release in progress
Answer: B,D
Q44. Your client is implementing Fusion Applications for his or her organization and intends to transform the complete costing process through the use of Fusion PPM. One of the concerns the client has is that the user community is required to pick expenditure types from a long list, which are hot specific to their departmental expenses. Identify there levels of filtering that will help you address this concern in Fusion PPM.
A. filterexpenditure types bused on the Project Unit that owns the project
B. filterexpenditure types based on the set assigned to the Organization Hierarchy
C. filter expenditure typesbased onthe set assigned to the project unit
D. filter expenditure types based on the set assigned to the expenditure types
Answer: C
Q45. Which details are allowed onthe "Root task" created by default when Project template iscreated?
A. Descriptions and Attachments
B. General and Cross Charge
C. General, Asset Assignments, and Capital Information
D. General,Contracts, and Setup
Answer: B

Renovate 1Z0-498 exam fees:
Q46. Select two important features of Standard Cost Collection Flex field.
A. unique project costcollection requirements thatare configured centrally
B. unique I-reject cost collection requirements that are presented differently acrossall applications
C. allows customers to validate, calculate cost, and import any type of transactions that are captured internally or externally using a single process
D. disintegrated means to capture, store, display, query, and reportproject-related attributes in their respective applications
Answer: C,D
Q47. Select the appropriate option to correctly fill in the blank below.
Project team members, including the project manager, are assigned to a project using______
A. project roles
B. job roles
C. abstract roles
D. enterprise roles
Answer: A
Q48. You define Assets for your project and assign them to the project or task level. What should be the value of the project asset type to generate the asset line?
A. estimated
B. as built
C. generate
D. built
E. regenerate
Answer: C
Q49. Project managers typically have the need to plan for granular labor resources, whereas only high-level planning is sufficient for financial purposes. Identify the two true statements about the Project Integration Gateway in this background.
A. You are allowed to create non-integrated resources manually in Primavera.
B. When you import the project plan, all planning for non-integrated resources is summarized by Project class.
C. When you import the project plan, all planning for non-integrated resources is summarized by WBS.
D. The summary information does not become a resource class resource assignment in Oracle Fusion PPM.
Answer: C,D
Q50. Select the two options that would accurately fill in the blanks in the sentences below.
The rate sources in Fusion PPM are based on the Schedule Types specified on the Invoice and Revenue Methods. If the schedule type is Labor Schedule, Bill Rate, then a valid rate source would be ____________ or _______.
A. Labor burden schedule
B. Job billrate schedule
C. Burden schedule
D. Employee bill rate schedule
E. Labortransfer price schedule
Answer: B,D