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2021 Aug 1Z0-540 test question
Q41. What task can an Administrator do that a Manager cannot in Oracle VM Manager?
A. manage server pools
B. manage servers
C. manage resources
D. manage virtual machines
E. create users and groups
F. import resources
Answer: E
Oracle VM Manager can manages the server pools, resources, virtual machines and also it can import resources but it cannot create the users and groups.
Q42. When setting up an iSCSI repository, what three steps must be completed before running the repos.py commands?
A. The iSCSI LUN must be formatted with the OCFS2 file system.
B. The iscsi-adm service must be installed and running.
C. The iSCSI daemon must be installed and running.
D. Multipathing must be configured and the multipath daemon must be running.
E. The iSCSI LUNs must be mapped to local devices.
Answer: A,B,C
Q43. What two steps are required to ensure that virtual machines failover to a new server when their current server goes down?
A. Ensure that the Oracle VM Manager is always available by installing Oracle Clusterware.
B. Turn on High Availability Mode in the server pool.
C. Assign a virtual IP address to the server pool.
D. Turn on HA in all virtual machines that will be restarted.
E. Ensure all servers in the pool have identical CPU and memory.
Answer: A,B
In the question two steps are required so that you have to answer two here.
Oracle Clusterware Ensure that your server is going to be restarted facility and it will
provide you the failover feature for you as well. You have to turn on HA Mode in the server
Q44. Which statement best describes the pricing metric for Oracle VM configurations?
A. Oracle VM Server support contract is purchased for each server. Oracle VM Manager is included at no charge.
B. Oracle VM Server license and support contract is purchased for each server. Oracle VM Manager is included at no charge.
C. Oracle VM Server license and support contract is purchased for each server. Oracle VM Manager license and support contract is purchased for each server.
D. Oracle VM Server license and support contract is purchased for each server. Oracle VM Manager license and support contract is purchased for one server.
E. Oracle VM Server support contract is purchased for each server. Oracle VM Manager support is purchased for one server.
Answer: B
Q45. A virtual machine is copied onto portable media and transferred to another machine In a different server pool. The virtual machine is then run on the new host, but it falls to boot. What are two potential problems?
A. The virtual machine was not exported properly using the Oracle VM Manager.
B. The virtual machine configuration file needs to be changed to update the new paths to its virtualdisks.
C. The virtual machine configuration file lists bridges that do not exist on the new host.
D. The virtual machine has not been registered with Oracle VM yet.
Answer: A

Improved 1Z0-540 exam answers:
Q46. Describe the certification process for Oracle products on Oracle VM.
A. With the exception of Oracle applications, all Oracle products are certified to run with Oracle VM immediately upon release.
B. Each Oracle product is responsible for stating their certification timeframe for Oracle VM support, but in no case will that delay be greater than six months.
C. Unless otherwise stated, all Oracle products that run on supported platforms are certified to run with Oracle VM immediately upon release.
D. Oracle products that run on supported platforms are certified immediately upon release. Oracle products on non-supported platforms are certified on a case-by-case basis.
Answer: D
Q47. What does tools are available from 0racle that best describe virtual machine performance ofa virtual machine?
A. xm list
B. oswatcher installed in the guests
C. top
D. xm top
E. cat /proc/cpuinfo
Answer: D
Q48. Which two hardware requirements exist for an HA-enabled server pool with Live Migration?
A. Each server in the pool must have the exact same model of processor.
B. Each server in the pool must have the same amount of memory.
C. Each server in the pool must have similar processors, specifically vendor, family and steppings.
D. Each server in the pool must be connected to shared storage.
E. Each server in the pool must be large enough to support the largest virtual machine in the pool
Answer: C,D
Q49. The Oracle VM administrator is having issues shutting down a virtual machine. Which log file will best help troubleshoot whether the shutdown command is being successfully executed on the target server?
A. /var/log/ovs-agent/ovs_performance.log
B. /var/log/ovs-agent/ovs_operation.log
C. /var/log/xen/xend.log
D. /var/log/xen/xend-debug.log
Answer: C
Q50. A software vendor is using JeOS to create new templates for their product. They need to provide a simple way to reset their templates to the initial configuration for testing purposes. What method should they use to accomplish this?
A. Use the xm save command to save the initial template in pristine form, then use xm restore to bring it back to the original configuration.
B. Use a snapshot of the initial template, and revert back to it when necessary.
C. Use cleanup scripts to reset the IP addresses, remove files from temp directories, and replace application configuration files with defaults.
D. Modify the grub.conf file to include a -cleanup option in the grub command line, which will run the cleanup scripts added by Oracle.
E. Use JeOS with the -c option to include a cleanup script that will revert all files back to their initial state.
Answer: C