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2021 Jun 1Z0-546 practice exam

Q21. What ACLs command would you use to stop the acslm process from accepting new requests? 

A. idle 

B. stop req all 

C. q requests now 

D. requests wait 

Answer: A 

Explanation: Use this procedure to suspend request processing by putting ACSLS in the idle state. Typically, this procedure is used before shutting down ACSLS, but you can also use it to temporarily stop ACSLS request processing. To idle ACSLS, do the following: 

1. From a cmd_proc, enter the following command: 


ACSLS processes all current requests, rejects all new requests, and goes 

into the idle state. 

The following message appears when ACSLS request processing stops. 

ACSLM Request Processing Stopped: Success. 

Reference; StorageTek ACSLS, Automated Cartridge System Library Software Idling ACSLS 

Q22. Why would you use the db_export utility in a High Availability environment? 

A. To send the database to another server 

B. To upgrade to a new ACSLS version with a different database structure 

C. To save the file as a system backup 

D. To permit reformatting of the disk 

Answer: B 

Explanation: Thedb_export.shutility exports the ACSLS database table data and ACSLS control files in preparation for an upgrade installation or a reinstallation of ACSLS. 

Reference: StorageTek ACSLS, Automated Cartridge System Library Software 

Q23. On the SL8500, which is the best option when combining workloads that span more than one rail? 

A. using the middle two rails for active enters and ejects 

B. using rails that are adjacent to each other within the same SL8500 

C. using the top rail for extra archival space and any other rail for active data 

D. using the top rail for active enters and ejects and any other rail for archival space 

Answer: C 

Explanation: If you are not able to assign workloads to a single rail, consider: 

* Using rails that are adjacent to each other. This provides a shorter distance for the pass-thru operation. 

* Combining rails vertically rather than horizontally 

Reference: StorageTek SL8500 Modular Library System, Best Practises, Dedicating Rails 

Q24. Which feature contributes most to improved performance and higher library availability with the SL8500? 

A. Redundant Control Cards 

B. Partitioning 

C. Redundant CAPs 

D. Redundant Robots 

Answer: B 


Q25. When configuring drives in logical libraries which of the following is false? 

A. To assign multiple drives to a logical library, the drives must be located in the same ACS. 

B. Drives may be shared across multiple logical libraries. 

C. Both LTO and Enterprise drives may be configured into logical libraries. 

D. Drives may only be added to logical libraries through the ACSLS GUI. 

Answer: A 


Note:When partitioning the StorageTek SL8500, SL3000 or SL500 libraries into logical libraries, one can assign volumes and drives to the logical library to enable library consolidation, gain capacity on demand, and allow only the client connected to the logical library to access those volumes and drives. 

Note: logical library 

A virtual representation of a physical library. Synonymous with virtual library partition. 

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Q26. Web Launched SLC is an upgrade for the SL500 library. 

A. True 

B. False 

Answer: B 

Explanation: The Web-launched SL Console is a standard feature of the library. 

Reference: StorageTek SL500 Modular Library System, Users Guide,Web-launched SL Console 

Q27. When planning for partitioning the SL8500, which is NOT an assessment question? 

A. How many partitions will there be in the library? 

B. Is this a new or existing installation? 

C. How many cartridges, free slots, and tape drives are needed for each partition? 

D. How many CAP slots are needed for each partition? 

Answer: D 

Explanation: All HandBots and CAPs in the library are shared resources which cannot be assigned exclusively to one partition. 

Q28. What is the correct sequence to create an ACSLS backup? 

A. Log in as "root" and enter a "db_command go" 

B. Log in as "acsss" and enter a "db_coramand start" 

C. Log in as "root" and enter a "bdb.acsss" 

D. Log in as "acsss" and enter the "bdb.acsss" command 

Answer: D 

Explanation: Backing up to a Specified Tape Device Attached to the ACSLS Server To back up the ACSLS database to a specified tape device attached to the ACSLS server, do the following: 

1. Log in as acsss. 

2. Insert a blank tape into the tape device. 

3. From a terminal window, enter the following command: 

bdb.acsss -f tape_device 

Where tape_device specifies a tape device attached to the ACSLS 


Reference: StorageTek ACSLS, Automated Cartridge System Library Software, Backing up to a Specified Tape Device Attached to the ACSLS Server 

Q29. Which of the items are reports available from SLC regarding partitioning on an SL500? 

A. Cartridge Cell and Media Summary 

B. Host Connections Summary 

C. Orphaned Cartridge Report 

D. Partition Summary 

E. Partition Details 

F. All of the above 

Answer: F 

Explanation: Partitions—Reports include: Partitions— Reports—Cartridge Cell and Media Summary Partitions—Reports—Host Connections Summary Partitions—Reports—Orphaned Cartridge Report Partitions—Reports—Partition Details Partitions— Reports—Partition Summary 

Reference: StorageTek SL500 Modular Library System, Partition Report Screens 

Q30. How do you navigate to the drive media events report on an SL3000? 

A. Tools > System Details > Drives > Drive media events 

B. Tools > Reports > Statistics > Drive media events 

C. Tools > Configuration > Drives > Drive media events 

D. Tools > Configuration > System Details > Drive media events 

Answer: B 

Explanation: Display the Drive Media Events Report 

1. Select Tools > Reports. 

2. Expand the Statistics folder, and click Drive Media Events. 

Reference; StorageTe k SL3000 Modular Library System, Display the Drive Media Events Report