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2021 Aug 1Z0-547 exam fees
Q41. Which of the two statements below on snapshots are true?
A. Automatic snapshots can only be set on a project or a share, but not both
B. Automatic snapshots can be retained for a maximum of 4 years
C. Automatic snapshots can be set on both projects and shares
D. Automatic snapshots can be taken on half hour, hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly schedules
Answer: A,D
Explanation: A (not C):Automatic snapshots can only be set on a project or a share, but not both. D:In addition to manual snapshots, you can configure automatic snapshots according to an arbitrary schedule. These snapshots are named '.auto-<timestamp>', and can be taken on half hour, hourly, daily, weekly, ormonthly schedules.
Reference: Sun ZFS Storage 7000 System Administration Guide, Scheduled Snapshots
Q42. The 7000-series system may not properly join an Active Directory domain if the clocks between the Domain Controller and the appliance differ by how much?
A. 3 minutes
B. 5 minutes
C. 10 minutes
D. 15 minutes
Answer: B
Explanation: See step 3 below.
Joining a Domain
Reference: Sun ZFS Storage 7000 System Administration Guide,Tasks, Joining a Domain
Q43. Remote replication is optimized for which three use cases?
A. Replication can be used to distribute data (such as virtual machine images or media) to remote systems across the world.
B. Replication can be used to migrate data and configuration when upgrading hardware.
C. Replication can be configured from an appliance to itself or its cluster peer for redundancy.
D. Replication can be used to mirror an appliance for disaster recovery
Answer: A,D
Explanation: Remote replication (or just "replication") is ageneral-purpose feature optimized for the following use cases:
* Data distribution (A)
Replication can be used to distribute data (such as virtual machine images or media) to remote systems across the world in situations where clients of the target appliance wouldn't ordinarily be able to reach the source appliance directly, or such a setup would have prohibitively high latency. One example uses this scheme for local caching to improve latency of read-only data (like documents).
* Data migration (B)
Replication can be used to migrate data and configuration between 7000 series appliances when upgrading hardware or rebalancing storage. Shadow migration can also be used for this purpose.
*Disaster recovery(D)
Replication can be used to mirror an appliance for disaster recovery.
Reference: Sun ZFS Storage 7000 System Administration Guide, Remote Replication Introduction
Q44. You have issue with performance characteristics of a specific version of NFS and would like to disable this version. What is a good resolution?
A. disabling the NFSv4 delegation
B. setting the NFS minimum and maximum versions to the same value as another NFS version number
C. reducing the maximum number of concurrent NFS requests allowed
D. enabling iSNS discovery
Answer: B
Explanation: NFS properties include: *Minimum supportedversion Controls which versions of NFS are supported *Maximum supportedversion Controls which versions of NFS are supported
Note:NFS (Network File System) is an industry standard protocol to share files over a network. NFSversions 2, 3, and 4 are supported.
Reference: Sun ZFS Storage 7000 System Administration Guide,NFS properties
Up to the minute 1Z0-547 free question:
Q45. The 7000-series system comes predefined with usernames and passwords for which two items below?
A. Root
B. Admin
C. User
D. Operator
E. Root on the SP
F. Admin on the SP
Answer: A,E
Explanation: The process to reset the root password on a Sun Storage 7000 appliance involves two basic steps. The first step is to clear the password for the system's Service Processor. Once the service processor password has been reset, we can use it in the second step to interrupt the system initialization process so that we can force the appliance configuration to start. Reference:https://wikis.oracle.com/display/FishWorks/How+To+Reset+the+Root+Password+on+t he+7000+Series
Q46. What tool can be used to set up DFS target shares coming from a 7000 series system?
A. The File Server Management Console from a Windows 2003R2 server with the File Server Role enabled
B. The Computer Management Console from a Windows 2003R2 server with the Domain Controller Role enabled
C. The 7000-series system Command Line Interface
D. The 7000-serles system Web Console
Answer: A
Explanation: The Distributed File System (DFS) solution in Windows Server 2003 R2 allows administrators togroup shared folders across the network into a virtual tree of folders called a namespace. The current7000 software release allows for an appliance CIFS share to act as a DFS target. A namespace rootmust already be active on an alternate object in Active Directory. CIFS shares from the 7000 may beadded as targets to any DFS root.
To add a CIFS share from the 7000 as a target or DFS referral, click add folder from an existing DFSroot share, in this case a domain wide share of \sspgHR, as shown in Illustration
Reference:Microsoft WindowsIntegration on the Sun Storage 7000, Implementation Guide,DFS Target
Q47. Which three are good starting points for general purpose database implementations on the 7000- series systems?
A. Aggregate online redo log files, control files, and production data flies within a single share.
B. Segregate different databases to different projects.
C. Configure write-optimized SSD-based log devices.
D. Fine-tune share settings for recordsize, compression, checksumming, and security based on the requirements for the database.
Answer: B,C,D
Q48. Enterprise solid state devices (SSDs) based on Mash technology are a critical component of the 7000-series systems. Which statement is true?
A. Flash technology completes operations as fast as, or better than, DRAM.
B. Enterprise SSDs support bad block management, wear leveling, and error correction codes (ECC) for data integrity
C. Read-optimized SSDs are used in place of NVRAM to host the ZFS Intent Log (ZIL)
D. Write-based SSDs are used to extend the ZFS cache (L2ARC) for reads and writes
Answer: D
Explanation: The L2ARC is the 2nd Level Adaptive Replacement Cache, and is an SSD based cache that is accessed before reading from the much slower pool disks.
Reference:Sun ZFS Storage 7000 System Administration Guide,Cache: L2ARC I/O bytes
Q49. Which best describes a cluster rolling software upgrade?
A. An upgrade that is rolled-out to both controllers simultaneously
B. A procedure in which clustered controllers are upgraded one at a time ("rolling" from one to the next) such that at any given time the controller being upgraded controls no resources
C. An upgrade that rolls together all previous updates
D. A procedure where cluster controllers are rolled through software upgrades one by one, keeping both controllers at the same version at all times in case of failover
E. A cluster of software upgrades, intended to roll a system to the latest software version
Answer: B
Explanation: Rolling software upgrades areupgrades in whichone head is upgraded while the other provides service running the older software, then thesecond head is upgraded once the new software is validated.
Reference: Sun ZFS Storage 7000 System Administration Guide, Takeover and Failback