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2021 Sep scjp 1z0-803:

Q21. Given the code fragment: 

What is the result? 

A. 2 2 

B. 1 2 

C. 3 2 

D. 3 3 

Answer: A 

Q22. Given: 

How many times is 2 printed as a part of the output? 

A. Zero 

B. Once 

C. Twice 

D. Thrice 

E. Compilation fails. 

Answer: D 

Q23. Given the code fragment:  

A. Found Red 

Found Default 

B. Found Teal 

C. Found Red 

Found Blue 

Found Teal 

D. Found Red 

Found Blue 

Found Teal 

Found Default 

E. Found Default 

Answer: B 

Q24. A method is declared to take three arguments. A program calls this method and passes only two arguments. What is the result? 

A. Compilation fails. 

B. The third argument is given the value null. 

C. The third argument is given the value void. 

D. The third argument is given the value zero. 

E. The third argument is given the appropriate false value for its declared type. 

F. An exception occurs when the method attempts to access the third argument. 

Answer: A 

Q25. Which code fragment is illegal? 

A. Option A 

B. Option B 

C. Option C 

D. Option D 

Answer: D 

1Z0-803  practice test

Improve 1z0-803 java se 7 programmer dumps:

Q26. What is the result when this program is executed? 

A. Bob's Name: Bob 

B. Bob's Name: Jian 

C. Nothing prints 

D. Bob’s name 

Answer: B 

Q27. Give: 

What is the result? 

A. 1525 

B. 13 

C. Compilation fails 

D. An exception is thrown at runtime 

E. The program fails to execute due to runtime error 

Answer: D 

Q28. Given the following code: 

What will make this code compile and run? 

A. Change line 2 to the following: 

Public int price 

B. Change line 4 to the following: 

int price = new simple (); 

C. Change line 4 to the following: 

Float price = new simple (); 

D. Change line 5 to the following: 

Price = 4f; 

E. Change line 5 to the following: 

price.price = 4; 

F. Change line 5 to the following: 

Price = (float) 4: 

G. Change line 5 to the following: 

Price = (Simple) 4; 

H. The code compiles and runs properly; no changes are necessary 

Answer: E 

Q29. Which two are Java Exception classes? 

A. SercurityException 

B. DuplicatePathException 

C. IllegalArgumentException 

D. TooManyArgumentsException 

Answer: AC 

Q30. Which statement initializes a stringBuilder to a capacity of 128? 

A. StringBuilder sb = new String ("128"); 

B. StringBuilder sb = StringBuilder.setCapacity (128); 

C. StringBuilder sb = StringBuilder.getInstance (128); 

D. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (128); 

Answer: D