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Q71. Which three statements best describe a Table of Records in Forms Builder? (Choose three.)

A. A stored procedure that uses a Table of Records can be used as both a query and DML block datasource.

B. A Table of Records enables you to query and update multiple tables, and perform validation, on the server side.

C. Array processing cannot be used when a data block is based on a stored procedure that returns a Table of Records.

D. A Table of Records is not efficient in terms of network traffic, because multiple round trips are required for all the records to be returned.

E. A stored procedure that uses a Table of Records can be used only as a query block datasource.

F. A stored procedure that uses a Table of Records can be used only as a DML block datasource.

Answer: ABC

Q72. You apply the Btn_PC property class to the Exit button and then make several changes in the property values of the button. The Btn_PC property class includes the item type Push Button. You accidentally change the Item Type property of the Exit Button to Check Box. How can you change the Item Type of the Exit button back to Push Button, restore the subclassed relationship of the Item Type to the property class, and retain any other property changes that you have made?

A. Select the Item Type property of the Exit button and click Inherit.

B. Set the Item Type property in the Btn_PC property class to Check Box, then change it back to Push Button.

C. Change the Item Type property of the Exit button back to Push Button.

D. Select the Item Type property of the Exit button and click Property Class.

E. Set the Subclass Information property of the Exit button to Null, then set it to Btn_PC.

Answer: A

Q73. The Products.fmb module has one content canvas, which displays information about products sold by your company. You increase the canvas display area by creating an overlay canvas to enable product images to be displayed on request. At run time, however, the overlay canvas is never displayed; users complain that there is only a brief flash on their screen. How do you correct this problem?

A. In the Layout Editor, choose View Stacked Views. Then select the overlay canvas in the Stacked Canvases dialog box.

B. Change the stacking order of canvases under the Canvases node in the Object Navigator.

Ensure that the overlay canvas is the last canvas listed under this node.

C. Change the stacking order of canvases under the Canvases node in the Object Navigator.

Ensure that the overlay canvas is the first canvas listed under this node.

D. Ensure that the current item is not hidden by the overlay canvas.

E. Call the built-in GET_VIEW_PROPERTY to set the canvas VISIBLE property to True.

Answer: D

Q74. The Products.fmb module has one content canvas, which displays information about products sold by your company. You want to increase the canvas display area by creating an overlay canvas to enable images of selected products to be displayed on request. How can you size the display area of the overlay canvas?

A. Define the display area for a stacked canvas by using the built-in procedure SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY.

B. Define the display area for a stacked canvas by using the built-in procedure SET_CANVAS_PROPERTY.

C. Define the display area for a content canvas by using the built-in procedure SET_VIEW_PROPERTY.

D. Define the display area for a content canvas by using the built-in procedure SET_CANVAS_PROPERTY.

E. Define the display area for a stacked canvas by using the built-in procedure SET_VIEW_PROPERTY.

Answer: E

Q75. What type of message indicates a Forms message that cannot be suppressed?

A. a Busy message

B. a message with a level greater than 50

C. a level 0 message

D. a level 50 message

E. a message with a level greater than 25

F. a message with a level less than 0

G. a Working message

H. a level 25 message

Answer: E

Q76. Order entry clerks use the Orders form to enter the shipping date of an order. Once the shipping date has been entered into the database, the clerks are not allowed to modify it. What property can you set in the Property Palette for the Shipping_Date item to ensure that this data entry restriction is enforced?

A. Update Only If NULL

B. Enabled

C. Database Item

D. Update Allowed

E. Insert Allowed

Answer: A

Q77. To centralize some of your processing, you decide to write PL/SQL library modules that contain procedures that can be called from form triggers or menu items. You need to populate some fields based on values in other fields. Which code do you use?

A. IF NAME_IN('ORDERS.order_total') > 10000



MESSAGE('WARNING - large order!');


B. IF :ORDERS.order_total > 10000


:ORDERS.large_order := 'Y'

MESSAGE('WARNING - large order!');


C. IF :ORDERS.order_total > 10000



MESSAGE('WARNING - large order!');


D. IF 'ORDERS.order_total' > 10000


'ORDERS.large_order' := 'Y'

MESSAGE('WARNING - large order!');


E. IF FIND_ITEM('ORDERS.order_total') > 10000


FIND_ITEM('ORDERS.large_order') := 'Y'

MESSAGE('WARNING - large order!');


Answer: A

Q78. The Orders form is a master-detail form in which ORDERS is a single-record master block and ORDER_ITEMS is a multirecord detail block.

During testing of the Orders form, users have complained about the behavior of Enter-Query mode.

In the form they are testing, they are unable to navigate out of the current block while they are in Enter-Query mode. However, they would like to be able to carry out the following procedure:

1. Press [Enter Query] while in the master block.

2. Enter some search criteria.

3. Navigate to the detail block.

4. Enter more search criteria (while the form is still in Enter-Query mode).

5. Press [Execute Query] to have the criteria applied to both blocks at once.

How can you provide the requested functionality?

A. The requested functionality is the default behavior. You simply need to remove or rewrite the triggers you wrote that "broke" the form.

B. Use a combination of Key-Entqry and Key-Exeqry triggers at form level to call generically written procedures to test where the current focus is and set global variables that a form-level Key-Nxtblk trigger can use to redirect the focus.

C. Use a Key-Entqry trigger on the master block to redirect the focus to the detail block after the search criteria have been entered in the master block.

D. Use a Key-Exeqry trigger on both the master and detail blocks to call a centralized procedure and have the procedure handle the navigation.

E. You cannot perform the requested operation with a master-detail form. The restriction on navigating out of the current block during Enter-Query mode cannot be circumvented.

F. Use a Key-Nxtblk trigger on the ORDERS block to cause navigation to the ORDER_ITEMS block. This will work because Key triggers can fire in Enter-Query mode and can call restricted built-ins such as GO_BLOCK().

Answer: E

Q79. The Orders form has two base table blocks and a control block. There is an Execute Query button in the control block with the following When-Button-Pressed trigger:


A user navigates to the Order Items block and clicks Execute Query. The query does not execute, but instead returns error FRM-41003: "This function cannot be performed here."

What can you do to fix this error?

A. Define a Key-Exeqry trigger at the form level.

B. Set the Mouse Navigate property to No for the Execute Query button.

C. Set the Query Allowed property to Yes for at least one item in the Order Items block.

D. Set the Query All Records property to Yes for the Order Items block.

Answer: B

Q80. You are developing a Human Resources form with a single block to display employees. For each employee, you look up the department name to display in a non-base-table item.

When you test the form, you discover that when you enter a new employee as the first employee in a new department that has not yet been created in the database, you get the following error when you try to navigate out of the Department_Id item:

FRM-40735: WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-01403.

The ORA-01403 exception is the NO_DATA_FOUND exception. When this message is received, you cannot navigate out of the Department_Id item.

You add the following code to the When-Validate-Item trigger on the Department_Id item to display a meaningful message to the user:



MESSAGE('You must create the department before adding employees to it');

You run the form again to test it, and you enter a new employee and a department ID that does not exist in the database. When you click into the Employee_Name item, the appropriate message is displayed, but the cursor moves to Employee_Name.

What must you change so that the user will not be able to navigate out of the Department_Id item when entering a department ID that is not in the database?

A. Add the following line at the end of the exception handler: RAISE FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE;

B. You cannot stop navigation from occurring when displaying a custom message. You should delete the exception handler and allow Forms to display the default message.

C. If you write a handler for the exception, you will not be able to stop navigation from occurring. Instead, create a Key-Next-Item trigger on the Department_Id item with the following code:



MESSAGE('You must create the department before adding employees to it');


D. Add the following code at the end of the exception handler:




E. If you write a handler for the exception, you will not be able to stop navigation from occurring, so you should put the following code in an

On-Error trigger instead:


MESSAGE('You must create the department before adding employees to it');


Answer: A