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A developer designed an automation to use an Asset value from Orchestrator using the Get Asset activity. The value represents email addresses of the process owners which may change.
Which Asset Type should be used?

  • A. Bool
  • B. Credential
  • C. Text
  • D. Integer

Answer: C

The Asset Type that should be used for storing email addresses of the process owners is Text. Text assets are used to store only string values, such as names, addresses, URLs, etc. Text assets can be easily retrieved and updated using the Get Asset and Set Asset activities in UiPath Studio. Text assets are suitable for storing email addresses, as they can contain alphanumeric characters, symbols, and special characters. Text assets can also be used in various activities that require string input or output, such as Send Email, Write Line, Assign, etc.
References: About Assets and Assets in UiPath Orchestrator and their usage in project from UiPath documentation and RPA Learners.

What actions must be manually selected in the App/Web Recorder before recording a step?

  • A. Copy text using the Get Text activity.Hover over an element using the Hover activit
  • B. Highlight an element using the Highlight activity.
  • C. Copy text using the Get Text activity.Hover over an element using the Hover activity.Click on buttons, links, and other clickable elements such as icons or image
  • D. Type text in a text area such as a text box.Select or clear a check box.
  • E. Select or clear a check box.Send keyboard shortcuts using your keyboar
  • F. Select an item from a drop-down.
  • G. Click on buttons, links, and other clickable elements such as icons or image
  • H. Type text in a text area such as a text box.Select or clear a check box.Send keyboard shortcuts using your keyboar
  • I. Select an item from a drop-down.

Answer: A

The App/Web Recorder is a tool that allows you to record your actions on an application or a web browser and generate activities automatically1. The App/Web Recorder has a toolbar that contains different actions that you can select before recording a step2. Some of these actions are:
✑ Click: This action records a click on a button, link, or any other clickable element.
✑ Type: This action records typing text in a text box or any other text area.
✑ Check: This action records selecting or clearing a check box.
✑ Send Hotkey: This action records sending keyboard shortcuts using your keyboard.
✑ Select Item: This action records selecting an item from a drop-down list or any other selector.
These actions are automatically detected and recorded by the App/Web Recorder when you perform them on the application or web browser3. However, there are some actions that are not automatically detected and recorded by the App/Web Recorder, and you need to manually select them from the toolbar before recording a step. These actions are:
✑ Get Text: This action records copying text from a label, paragraph, or any other
text element.
✑ Hover: This action records hovering over an element with your mouse cursor.
✑ Highlight: This action records highlighting an element with a colored border. These actions are useful for extracting data, triggering events, or identifying elements on the application or web browser4. To use these actions, you need to select them from the toolbar and then indicate the element on the screen that you want to apply them to5.
Therefore, option A is the correct answer, as it lists the actions that must be manually selected in the App/Web Recorder before recording a step. Option B includes some actions that are automatically detected and recorded by the App/Web Recorder, such as Click and Type. Option C also includes some actions that are automatically detected and recorded by the App/Web Recorder, such as Check and Send Hotkey. Option D includes all the actions that are automatically detected and recorded by the App/Web Recorder.

Which of the following credentials stores have built in support in Orchestrator?

  • A. Azure Key Vault, CyberArk CCP, HashiCorp Vault, Thycotic Secret Server, BeyondTrust, CyberArk.
  • B. CyberArk CCP, Cisco, Google Credentials, CyberArk, Azure Key Vault.
  • C. CyberArk CCP, Azure Key Vault, Google Credentials, Amazon Security Services.
  • D. Cisco, Amazon Security Services, Google Credentials, Microsoft SCS, IBM Vault.

Answer: A

Credential stores are secure locations where you can store and retrieve sensitive data such as robot credentials and credential assets1. Orchestrator supports the use of multiple credential stores and has built-in integrations with the following ones2:
✑ Azure Key Vault: A cloud-based service that provides secure storage and
management of secrets, keys, and certificates3.
✑ CyberArk CCP: A component of the CyberArk Privileged Access Security Solution that provides centralized management and distribution of credentials to applications and robots4.
✑ HashiCorp Vault: A tool that enables secure access to secrets and encryption keys across dynamic environments5.
✑ Thycotic Secret Server: A web-based solution that protects privileged accounts and credentials from cyberattacks and insider threats.
✑ BeyondTrust: A platform that offers privileged access management, remote access, and vulnerability management solutions.
✑ CyberArk: A leader in privileged access management that secures credentials, sessions, and endpoints across hybrid and cloud environments.
Therefore, option A is the correct answer, as it lists all the credential stores that have built- in support in Orchestrator. Option B is incorrect because it includes Cisco and Google Credentials, which are not credential stores supported by Orchestrator. Option C is incorrect because it includes Amazon Security Services, which is not a credential store supported by Orchestrator. Option D is incorrect because it includes Cisco, Amazon Security Services, Microsoft SCS, and IBM Vault, which are not credential stores supported by Orchestrator.

A developer wants to assign the first row of the "ID" column in the "DT" datatable to a String variable. Which expression should be added to the Value field of the Assign activity?

  • A. DTRows(0)ID
  • B. DTRows(0). ltem("ID")
  • C. DTColumns(0)ID
  • D. DTColumns(0) ("ID")

Answer: B

To assign the first row of the “ID” column in the “DT” datatable to a String variable, the expression that should be added to the Value field of the Assign activity is: DT.Rows(0).Item(“ID”)
This expression accesses the value of the “ID” column in the first row of the “DT” datatable using the Rows and Item properties. The Rows property returns a collection of DataRow objects that represent the rows in the datatable. The Item property returns or sets the value of the specified column in the DataRow object1. The expression uses the index 0 to refer to the first row in the Rows collection, and the column name “ID” to refer to the specific
column in the Item property. The expression returns the value of the “ID” column in the first row as an Object type, which can be converted to a String type using the ToString
method2. For example, if the “DT” datatable has the following values:
John 2
Mary 3
Then the expression DT.Rows(0).Item(“ID”) will return 1 as the value of the “ID” column in the first row.
References: DataTable.Rows Property and DataRow.Item Property from UiPath documentation.

In the Catches section of the Try Catch activity a developer selected ArgumentException in the exception handler.
UiPath-ADAv1 dumps exhibit
What happens when the activity encounters a NullReferenceException?

  • A. The Finally block is not executed and a runtime error occurs.
  • B. The Finally block executes and no exception is thrown.
  • C. The Catches section catches the exception and the Finally block is executed.
  • D. The Catches section catches the exception and the Finally block is skipped.

Answer: A

When the activity encounters a NullReferenceException, the Finally block is not executed and a runtime error occurs. This is because the Catches section of the Try Catch activity only handles the ArgumentException type, which is a specific type of exception that occurs when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid1. A NullReferenceException is a different type of exception that occurs when there is an attempt to dereference a null object reference2. Since the Catches section does not have a handler for the NullReferenceException type, the exception is not caught and the execution is stopped with a runtime error. The Finally block, which contains the activities that are always executed regardless of the outcome of the Try Catch activity, is also skipped3. References: ArgumentException Class, NullReferenceException Class, and Try Catch from UiPath documentation.

A developer examines a workflow in which filenames are stored within a collection. The collection is initialized with a single filename. When adding a new filename to the collection, which collection variable type will cause an error?

  • A. System.Collections.Generi
  • B. Dictionary
  • C. System.Array
  • D. Syste
  • E. Dat
  • F. DataTable
  • G. System.Collections.Generic.List

Answer: B

In the context of a linear process, implemented with REFramework, how many times will the process enter the Get Transaction Data state?

  • A. 1 time.
  • B. 2 times.
  • C. The process will not enter the Get Transaction Data state because a linear process is not transactional.
  • D. Until there are no more queue items left unprocessed in Orchestrator.

Answer: D

The Get Transaction Data state is responsible for retrieving the next transaction item to be processed from the queue in Orchestrator. The state will loop until there are no more items in the queue or an exception occurs. A linear process can be implemented with REFramework by using a single queue item that contains all the data required for the process. (UiPath ReFramework documentation1)
✑ 1: Robotic Enterprise Framework Template - UiPath Studio.

The following table is stored in a variable called "dt".
UiPath-ADAv1 dumps exhibit
What will the value of the qty variable be after executing the Assign activity?
UiPath-ADAv1 dumps exhibit

  • A. 5
  • B. 10
  • C. 80
  • D. null

Answer: C

The Assign activity is used to assign a value to a variable. In this case, the variable is “qty”. The value of the variable will be 80 after executing the Assign activity because the expression in the Assign activity is “dt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(x) x(“Item”).ToString.Equals(“mango”)).Select(Function(y) y(“Quantity”)).ToString”. This expression is filtering the data table “dt” for rows where the “Item” column is equal to “mango” and then selecting the “Quantity” column from those rows. Since there is only one row in the data table where “Item” is equal to “mango”, the value of the “Quantity” column in that row is 80. (UiPath Studio documentation)
✑ : [Assign - UiPath Activities].

What status needs to be selected in the Set Transaction Status activity in UiPath Studio so that the respective Queue Item will be retried?

  • A. Failed
  • B. Retried
  • C. Abandoned
  • D. Postponed

Answer: A

The Set Transaction Status activity is used to mark the result of a queue item processing1. If the queue item fails with an application exception, it can be retried by setting its status to Failed2. The Retried status is automatically assigned by Orchestrator when a retry is triggered3. The Abandoned status is applied when a queue item remains in progress for too long without being processed4. The Postponed status is used to delay the processing of a queue item until a specific date and time.
✑ Managing Queues in Studio documentation, Step 9: Set Transaction Status section
✑ Queue Item Statuses documentation, Retried section
✑ Automation Best Practices documentation, Queue Item Status section
✑ Queue Item Statuses documentation, Abandoned section
✑ Queue Item Statuses documentation, Postponed section

In the Robotic Enterprise (RE) Framework, at which point should a developer log a clear message with the Logging Level set to "Information," adhering to the best practices for automating a production-level process?

  • A. Whenever an argument or value is used.
  • B. Whenever data is fetched from external sources.
  • C. Whenever an exception is caught in a Catch block.
  • D. Whenever the robot encounters an error on a Queue Item.

Answer: C

Logging Level “Information” is used to log general information about the process execution, such as the start and end of a transaction1. When an exception is caught in a Catch block, the developer should log a clear message with this level to indicate the type and source of the error, and the action taken to handle it2.

What is a prerequisite for performing Remote Debugging using a Remote Machine

  • A. Studio and the remote robot must be connected to the same Orchestrator tenant.
  • B. The same user must be signed in Studio and the remote robot.
  • C. Studio, the remote robot, and Orchestrator are running version 2021.10 or later.
  • D. TCP/IP connectivity exists between the Studio machine and the remote machine.

Answer: D

Remote Debugging is a feature that allows you to debug a process that is running on a remote machine or robot from your Studio1. To use Remote Debugging, you need to have a Remote Machine Connection, which is a connection type that enables you to interact with a remote machine using its IP address and port number2. The prerequisite for performing Remote Debugging using a Remote Machine Connection is that TCP/IP connectivity exists between the Studio machine and the remote machine3. TCP/IP is a protocol that defines how data is transmitted and received over a network4. Without TCP/IP connectivity, the Studio machine cannot communicate with the remote machine and cannot debug the process.
Option A is incorrect because Studio and the remote robot do not need to be connected to the same Orchestrator tenant for Remote Debugging using a Remote Machine Connection5. Option B is incorrect because the same user does not need to be signed in Studio and the remote robot for Remote Debugging using a Remote Machine Connection. Option C is incorrect because Remote Debugging using a Remote Machine Connection does not require Studio, the remote robot, and Orchestrator to be running version 2021.10 or later. Remote Debugging using a Remote Machine Connection was introduced in version 2020.10.

What method can be used to change the index of an existing column in a datatable?

  • A. Setlndex
  • B. MoveAt
  • C. SetColumnIndex
  • D. SetOrdinal

Answer: D

The SetOrdinal method of the DataColumn class can be used to change the index or position of an existing column in a datatable. The method takes an integer argument that specifies the new ordinal or position of the column. For example, to move the first column to the last position, one can
use: yourDataTable.Columns(0).SetOrdinal(yourDataTable.Columns.Count - 1). (UiPath Automation Developer study guide)
✑ DataColumn.SetOrdinal Method
✑ How to move Column from Index 0 to Index 10 in datatable

A developer configured the properties for a Click activity on an element inside a web page as shown in the following exhibit.
UiPath-ADAv1 dumps exhibit
An animation on the web page never completely loads but the element indicated in the Click activity does load within the specified timeout duration. What occurs when this Click activity executes?

  • A. Element is clicked once the element is fully loaded.
  • B. Timeout error occurs without clicking on the element.
  • C. Waits 10 seconds before clicking on the element.
  • D. Continues to the next activity after 30 seconds without clicking on the element.

Answer: A

The Click activity is used to simulate a mouse click on a specified UI element, such as a button or a link1. It has several properties that can be configured to customize its behavior, such as the input method, the click type, the timeout, and the wait for ready1.
✑ The input method determines how the click is performed. It can be Default,
Simulate, or Window Messages. The Default method uses the hardware driver to simulate the click, and it requires the target element to be visible and in focus. The Simulate and Window Messages methods use the technology of the target application to inject the click, and they can work in the background, even if the target element is hidden or minimized2.
✑ The click type determines which mouse button is used for the click. It can be
Single, Double, Down, or Up. The Single and Double types perform a single or double click using the left mouse button. The Down and Up types perform a press or release action using any mouse button1.
✑ The timeout determines how long the activity waits for the target element to appear
before throwing an error. It is measured in milliseconds, and it has a default value of 30000 (30 seconds). If the timeout is exceeded, the activity fails with a TimeoutException1.
✑ The wait for ready determines when the activity executes. It can be None,
Interactive, or Complete. The None option executes the activity immediately. The Interactive option executes the activity after the target element is loaded. The Complete option executes the activity after the target application is loaded1.
In your case, you have configured the properties for the Click activity as follows:
✑ Input method: Simulate
✑ Click type: Single
✑ Timeout: 30000
✑ Wait for ready: Complete
This means that the Click activity will use the Simulate method to perform a single click on the target element in the background, after waiting for 30 seconds or until the target application is fully loaded, whichever comes first.
Since you have mentioned that an animation on the web page never completely loads but the element indicated in the Click activity does load within the specified timeout duration, what occurs when this Click activity executes is:
Element is clicked once the element is fully loaded.
This is because the Simulate method can work in the background, even if the web page is hidden or minimized, and it does not depend on the animation to complete. The Complete option for wait for ready ensures that the Click activity waits until the target element is loaded before clicking on it. The timeout value of 30000 does not affect this scenario, because it is not exceeded.
Therefore, option A is correct.
✑ Click - UiPath Documentation Portal.
✑ What are different Input methods in UiPath - UiPath Community Forum.

A developer published a process to UiPath Orchestrator with only the Mam.xaml workflow file. There is one "In" argument of type String in the Main.xaml file with a default value of String.Empty
When running the process from the Start Job window in Orchestrator what is the value of the argument at runtime?

  • A. Only the default value of String.Empty will be used, overriding any values provided in Orchestrator
  • B. An Input Dialog box will prompt the user to input a value and that value will be used
  • C. Any input arguments provided in Orchestrator are used, otherwise the default value ofString.Empty will be used
  • D. A runtime error will occur as arguments are not allowed in the Main xaml file

Answer: C

UiPath Orchestrator is a web application that enables you to deploy, monitor, and manage UiPath Robots and processes. When you publish a process from UiPath Studio to UiPath Orchestrator, you can define input and output arguments for the process. Input arguments are used to pass data from Orchestrator to the process, while output arguments are used to pass data from the process to Orchestrator. When you run a process from the Start Job window in Orchestrator, you can provide values for the input arguments in the Input section. If you do not provide any values, the default values of the input arguments are used. The default values are defined in UiPath Studio when you create the arguments. In this case, the process has one “In” argument of type String in the Main.xaml file with a default value of String.Empty. This means that when you run the process from Orchestrator, you can either provide a value for the argument in the Input section, or leave it blank. If you provide a value, that value will be used by the process. If you leave it blank, the default value of String.Empty will be used by the process. Therefore, the answer is C. Any input arguments provided in Orchestrator are used, otherwise the default value of String.Empty will be used. References: About Input and Output Arguments, Arguments

Review the following exhibit.
UiPath-ADAv1 dumps exhibit
Based on the exhibit, which output is produced in the Output panel?

  • A. Hello
  • B. Good Morning UiPath
  • C. Good Morning
  • D. UiPath

Answer: C

Based on the exhibit, the output produced in the Output panel is “Good Morning”. This is because the “If” activity checks if the “BoolFlag” variable is True. If it is True, the “Then” branch is executed, which contains a “Write Line” activity with the text “Good Morning”. If the “BoolFlag” variable is False, the “Else” branch is executed, which contains a “Write Line” activity with the text “UiPath”. Since the “BoolFlag” variable is assigned to True in the previous “Assign” activity, the condition of the “If” activity is satisfied, and the “Then” branch is executed. Therefore, the “Write Line” activity writes “Good Morning” to the Output panel4. References: If and How to put a if condition in assign activity? from UiPath documentation and forum.

Which of the following functionalities does UiPath Assistant provide?

  • A. Developing automation workflows in UiPath Studio.
  • B. Running, managing, and organizing automation workflows on the user's machine.
  • C. Scheduling and monitoring robot processes in Orchestrator.
  • D. Analyzing processes to determine optimal automation solutions.

Answer: B

UiPath Assistant is a desktop tool that enables users to easily access, manage, and run automation workflows on their machines. It provides the following functionalities:
✑ Viewing all the available automations that the user can run, either from
Orchestrator or locally.
✑ Adding automations to the launchpad for quick and easy access.
✑ Creating custom folders and sections to organize the automations according to the user’s preferences.
✑ Running automations with a single click or using keyboard shortcuts.
✑ Launching robot-powered apps and managing action center tasks directly from the assistant.
✑ Customizing the assistant’s appearance, name, and avatar to suit the user’s personality.
✑ Viewing the status and progress of the running automations, as well as the history and logs of the past executions.
✑ Connecting to Orchestrator and synchronizing the automations and settings with the cloud.
✑ Accessing the help and feedback options, as well as the interactive guided tour. References:
✑ Software Robot Assistant - Desktop Automation | UiPath
✑ Robot - About UiPath Assistant - UiPath Documentation Portal

What is the use of job priorities in unattended automations within UiPath Orchestrator?

  • A. To determine which processes should be executed first when dealing with multiple jobs.
  • B. To sort and organize tasks within a folder.
  • C. To create job dependencies that must be completed before new job execution.
  • D. To determine machine resource allocation among processes.

Answer: A

Job priorities in unattended automations are used to assign different levels of importance to the processes that are triggered by the Orchestrator1. The job priority can be set as High, Normal, or Low when creating or editing a trigger2. The Orchestrator will execute the jobs based on their priority and the availability of robots3. This feature helps to optimize the performance and efficiency of unattended automations.

When should a static selector be used versus a dynamic selector'?

  • A. When a standard selector contains a tag value that changes for each execution
  • B. When all the attributes or tags remain the same for each execution
  • C. When a standard selector contains an attribute value that changes for each execution
  • D. When the selector needs to interact with different types of elements on the same page

Answer: B

A static selector should be used when all the attributes or tags remain the same for each execution. A static selector is a selector that has fixed values for the attributes or tags of the target element. A static selector can reliably identify the target element as long as the element does not change its properties or position on the screen. A static selector is suitable for simple and stable UI elements that have consistent and unique selectors1. For example, a static selector can be used to click on a button that has the same name and ID every time the automation runs.
References: Static Selectors and Selectors from UiPath documentation.


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