It is impossible to pass Oracle 1Z0-525 exam without any help in the short term. Come to Pass4sure soon and find the most advanced, correct and guaranteed Oracle 1Z0-525 practice questions. You will get a surprising result by our Replace Oracle Business Intelligence Applications 7.9.6 for ERP Essentials practice guides.

2021 Aug 1Z0-525 practice exam

Q1. Considering loading a fact named w_xxx_A, what is the exact sequence in which the mappings related fact are loaded? 

A. SDE -> PLP-> SIL 

B. SDE -> SIL -> PLP 

C. SIL -> SDE -> PLP 

D. PLP-> SIL -> SDE 

Answer: B 


The correct sequence is SDESILPLP 

Q2. Which condition results in a source record being neglected during incremental load? 





Answer: D 

Q3. Which three calendar types are supported by BI Applications 7.9.6 release? 

A. Enterprise 

B. 13 Period, 4-4-5 

C. Fiscal and Gregorian 

D. 15 Period 

Answer: A,B,C 

Q4. How does DAC know the source OLTP and target Data Warehouse connection Information? 

A. This information is given in the Physical Data sources tab in DAC client. 

B. This information is given in two flat files, file_source.csv and file_target.csv. 

C. It fetches this information from Informatica. 

D. DAC doesn’t require knowing this information. However ft is required to give this information in 

Answer: A 

Q5. Which utility reads the contents of the .ctl file and generates the SQL statements to create and alter tables? 

A. ddlimp 

B. cryptotools 

C. pmrep 

D. pmcmd 

Answer: A 

1Z0-525  actual test

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Q6. Which two are mandatory pre-installation tasks for Informatica Power Center Client installation? 

A. Pre-installation of Informatica Server 

B. Creation of Informatica repository 

C. Creation of ODBC Database Connections 

D. Pre-installation of Data Warehouse Administration console 

E. Pre-installation of Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 

Answer: C,E 

Q7. A new source is available containing several big tables with over 2 million rows of data. Some of this data is needed in Oracle BI analysis, combined with existing data sources. What are your options to enable this combined analysis? 

A. Analyze the needed data and needed granularity. If applicable create aggregation tables and partitioned tables in the source database. Apply a type 2 customization in Informatica PowerCenter and modify the DAC with appropriate objects. Model the BI repository with the new data warehouse objects and enable aggregate navigation and partition navigation. Enable cross analysis in the logical layer. Use simple requests and analyze the request performance on the new data. 

B. Apply a type 2 customization in Informatica PowerCenter to include the necessary data warehouse objects and modify the DAC with appropriate objects. Model the BI repository with the new data warehouse objects and enable aggregate navigation and partition navigation. 

C. Apply a type 1 customization in Informatica PowerCenter to include the necessary data warehouse objects and modify the DAC with appropriate objects. Model the BI repository with the new data warehouse objects and enable aggregate navigation and partition navigation. Enable cross-analysis in the logical layer. 

D. Analyze the needed data and needed granularity. If applicable create aggregation tables and partitioned tables in the source database. Apply a type 1 customization in Informatica PowerCenter and modify the DAC with appropriate objects. Model the BI repository with the new data warehouse objects and enable aggregate navigation and partition navigation. 

E. Normalize the new data source into smaller tables and apply a type 2 customization in Informatica PowerCenter. Apply changes in DAC to read the new source data and have execution plans load the needed data into the data warehouse. Model the BI repository with the new data warehouse objects and enable aggregate navigation and partition navigation. Enable cross-analysis in the logical layer. 

F. Normalize the new data source into smaller tables and apply a type 1 customization in Informatica PowerCenter. Model the BI repository with the new data warehouse objects and enable aggregate navigation and partition navigation. Enable cross-analysis in the logical layer. 

Answer: A 

Q8. Web object security can be enforced at which three levels? 

A. Report column 

B. Report 

C. Dashboard 

D. Dashboard page 

Answer: A,B,C 

Q9. Your organization plans to deploy BI Applications for the first time. In order to make sure that the approximately 300 users are enabled to work in a smooth and performing way what would you consider? 

A. Use at least one environment for development and testing and one for production. In each environment install the Oracle BI Server, DAC and Informatica PowerCenter on the same machine. Install the Oracle BI Presentation server on a second machine. Only enable caching in the development environment. Enable automatic purging and seeding of the cache. Enable object security. 

B. Use one environment and install the Oracle BI Server, DAC and Informatica on the same machine and install the Oracle BI Presentation server on a different machine. Enable automatic purging and seeding of the cache. 

C. Use at least one environment for development and testing and one for production. In each environment install the Oracle BI Server, DAC and Informatica PowerCenter on the same machine. Install the Oracle BI Presentation server on a second machine. Keep the data warehouse separated from the OLTP database. Only enable caching in the production environment. Enable automatic purging and seeding of the cache. Enable object and data security. 

D. Use at least one environment for development and testing and one for production. Enable object and data security per user, enable logging and disable caching. 

E. Use at least one environment for development and testing and one for production. Install DAC and Presentation server on one machine and install Informatica PowerCenter and Oracle BI Server on one machine. Install the data warehouse in the OLTP database on a third machine. 

F. Use at least one environment for development and testing and one for production. Install DAC and Presentation server on one machine and install Informatica PowerCenter and Oracle BI Server on one machine. Install the data warehouse in the OLTP database on the Oracle BI Server machine. 

Answer: C 

Explanation: You must enable caching in production for better performance. 

Q10. During which phase of the Oracle BI Applications project flow are decision makers interviewed for the first time? 

A. Design 

B. Build 

C. Define 

D. Validate 

Answer: A