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Q21. The Oracle FLEXCUBE canned report is available out of the box and launched from the application menu. What is the Reporting tool used to generate canned reports? (Choose the best answer.) 

A. Oracle Reports (RDF) 

B. Oracle Bl Publisher(BIP) 

C. Business Objects 

D. Oracle Business Intelligence Answers 

Answer: B 

Q22. At which two layers does Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking provide handlers, for enabling the extensibility features? (Choose two.) 

A. Database layer 

B. Application layer (JavaScript) 

C. Client layer 

D. Gateway Interface layer 

Answer: A,B 

Q23. Which set of techniques is used for data upload into Oracle FLEXCUBE during migration? (Choose the best answer.) Option 1: Manual input of data into Oracle FLEXCUBE from the legacy system Option 2: Import using SQL Loader Option 3: Use of Excel macros Option 4: Running of insert scripts directly in the database 

A. 1 and 2 

B. 1,2,3,4 

C. 3.4 

D. 1,3,4 

Answer: C 

Q24. Which two transactions get tanked during End Of Cycle? (Choose two.) 

A. inter branch transactions 

B. transactions from external interfaces 

C. Oracle FLEXCUBE user-initiated online contract inputs 

D. batch processes 

Answer: A,B 

Q25. It is likely that users working in the same department at the same level of hierarchy need to have similar user profiles. In such cases, you can define a role profile that includes access rights to functions that are common to a group of users. Which two statements are true about a user role? (Choose two.) 

A. a role is always associated with a user for a specific branch 

B. The values that are set at the role level are directly inhented by the user, similar to Function IDs, Account Class and Branch Restnctions, Input and Authorization Limits, and so on. 

C. A role associated with a user is defaulted to all the branches to which the user has rights. 

D. A role, once attached to a user, can never be deleted. 

E. The values that are se! at the role level are directly inherited by the user and these cannot be modified at the user level, that is, no new Function IDs or Branch Restnctions can be set at the user level. 

Answer: A,B 


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Q26. Which two tools can be considered for database monitoring if an EOD Batch program is running slow? (Choose two 

A. Trace 

B. Automatic Workload Repository 

C. Explain Plan 

D. Batch Scheduler 

Answer: A,B 

Q27. Which column value in the SMTB_PARAMETERS table identifies the Release type of a particular installation of Oracle FLEXCUBE? (Choose the best answer.) 

A. release_type 




Answer: A 

Q28. What is the purpose of the Predecessor list in Mandatory Programs Maintenance? (Choose the best answer.) 

A. it maintains the sequence in which batches execute. 

B. it maintains a dependency hierarchy between batches. 

C. it decides the order in which the End of Cycle (EOC) stages would be run for various branches. 

D. it is used to simplify the process of selection of branches and to group them into several EOC groups 

Answer: B 

Q29. Oracle FLEXCUBE has a single record table for the Switch Interface Gateway initialization parameters. Maintenance on this table is performed during implementation of the Switch Interface Gateway system. What is the name of this table? (Choose the best answer.) 






Answer: A 

Q30. Which option should be used in the WebLogic startup script for the ELCM-related Toplink XML parser? (Choose the best answer.) 

A. Oracle Toplink XML AJAX Platform 

B. Oracle XML parser 


D. XML Ration Controler 

Answer: A