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Q11. Which statements are true about Java integration technologies?
A. Remote Method Invocation (RMI) helps to connect subsystems in a loosely coupled manner.
B. Java Message Service (JMS) helps in synchronous messaging between Java and non- Java systems.
C. JMS helps to broadcast messages to multiple Java-based receivers.
D. Java Connector Architecture (JCA) helps to integrate with heterogeneous legacy enterprise information systems.
Answer: C
Q12. You are asked to propose a software deployment strategy that will reduce a client will also make deploying and testing their software stack more efficient.
Which element would you include in your proposal?
A. Vertically scalable platform
B. Horizontally scalable platform
C. Virtualized platform
D. Standard unit testing software
Answer: C
Q13. A successful web application is used by over two hundred thousand users. Due to this substantial load, the database is over bridged and fails frequently. All data, included critical user records and temporary session data, is stored in the database. Because of resource constraints, a new database system cannot be installed.
Which change will reduce the load on the database?
A. Creating more entity beans to optimize interaction wild the database
B. Refactoring the web application to use DAOs to communicate with the database
C. Refactoring the web application to store temporary session data on the web servers
D. Adding more web servers to the web tier to distribute the load and reduce the number of transactions on the database.
Answer: C
Q14. A company must honor a service-level agreement (SLA) for its application, which states all database requests must execute within three seconds.
Users complain that some requests take longer than five seconds to complete. You have been contracted to fix the problem.
Which course of action do you recommend?
A. Modify the program to implement multi threading and an event-driven design.
B. Add servers to distribute the load.
C. Upgrade the application server and the operating system.
D. Define a plan for isolating the bottleneck, and define indicators that will measure performance under a test load.
Answer: D
Q15. StockTeller is a Java-based application designed to retrieve the current market for a portfolio of publicly listed stocks. You have been tasked to design a bolt on module for StockTeller called EBroker, a Java E-based online application that needs to asynchronously communicate with StockTeller to retrieve market prices for securities in a secure manner.
Which web service technology would you choose to integrate StockTeller into the EBroker application?
A. JAX-WS using HTTP
Answer: B
Q16. Which statement is true about the use of security-related annotations in an enterprise bean?
A. They can be used to specify permissions only on business methods.
B. They can be used to specify permissions on a class or its business methods.
C. They can be used to change an authentication mechanism.
D. They can be used to acquire a secure connection using SSL.
E. They can be inherited from a parent abstract class.
Answer: B
Q17. The integration team has reported a problem in testing a few deployed MDBs. By design, each MDB listens to one of four named queues. Two producers write messages to each queue. The test issues messages of the same payload type that each producer will send, but varies the number or size of these messages to measure the messaging server’s performance.
The team has noticed that the utilization remains at the same high rate any time the test writes messages destined for the third MDB. The message server log does not reveal any failure in sending messages to this MDB. Which anticipation expresses cause for this condition?
A. Hot Potato
B. Leaky Abstraction
C. Cache less Cow
D. Golden Hammer
Answer: A
Q18. Which three web applications work best when they are designed to be server-push enabled?
A. A news feed used for providing users with frequently updated news content
B. A web chat that allows users to communicate using easily accessible web interfaces
C. A live sporting event application, used to deliver current results during matches
D. An auction system that provides users with live online bidding
E. A graphics rendering application that generates visuals in an orderly fashion
Answer: BCD
Q19. MedLabML is a startup firm that moves patient data between different care providers to provide a “single patient view”. They use a B2B system to exchange electronic business document with their key suppliers. They are seeking your advice about standards to review for improving their message-level security.
Which standard or API would you recommend they read?
A. SAML 1.1
B. Web Service Interoperability Technology
C. XML Signature
Answer: B
Q20. A manufacturing company has a large investment in a legacy Inventory Management System (IMS) developed with third-party technologies. You have been asked to design a Java EE application that interacts with it.
You would like to ensure the following:
Minimal application code is required to parse the communication messages.
Communication is asynchronous and stateless.
Performance import of the existing system is minimal.
Which two technologies combined would meet these requirements?
Answer: BD