Getting the particular Oracle Oracle certification is the aspiration of many IT aspirants. But passing the Oracle 1Z0-444 exam just isnt an easy task with out any helpful preparatory materials. The very first step is always to find a good abundant resource for the Oracle 1Z0-444 exam preparation. Right now Pass4sure comes to help you. The 1Z0-444 exam also names Oracle Oracle exam that is a Oracle certification. Along with Pass4sure provides you with all the Oracle certification exam products including the Oracle 1Z0-444 exam demos.
2021 Sep 1Z0-444 sample question
Q21. When can an alert be promoted automatically to a case? (Choose the best answer.)
A. when multiple alerts are promoted to a single case
B. when one alert is promoted to multiple cases
C. when multiple alerts are linked through Alert Correlation
D. when alerts are re-assigned to the case owner
Answer: A
Explanation: Referencee:
Q22. Which AAI component must be used to access the Case Configuration Settings? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Manage Common Parameters
B. Security Attribute Administration
C. Common Web Service
D. Excel Upload
Answer: D
Q23. Assuming that Activity Risk and Effective Risk thresholds are set at 5, which combination would provide Medium Risk conditional thresholds? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Entity Risk of 4; Activity Risk of 10
B. Entity Risk of 6; Activity Risk of 9
C. Activity Risk of 4; Entity Risk of 4
D. Activity Risk of 3; Entity Risk of 3
Answer: A
Q24. When should Intelligent Risk Scoring be set up? (Choose the best answer.)
A. before Behavior Detection
B. after Post Processing
C. during the initial installation
D. after Data Ingestion
Answer: B
Q25. Which statement is false regarding setting Frequency and Lookback scenario thresholds? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Lookback and Frequency can have the same value.
B. Lookback Period can exceed Frequency Period.
C. Frequency Period can exceed Lookback Period.
D. Frequency and Lookback can be changed for specific scenarios.
Answer: A

Renewal 1Z0-444 study guide:
Q26. External entity risk value is computed as _________. (Choose the best answer.)
A. Geography Risk Value
B. Average Matched Entity Risk Value
C. Maximum Matched Entity Risk Value
D. Average Geography and Matched Entity Risk Value
E. Maximum Geography and Matched entity Risk Value
Answer: C
Q27. During an infrastructure workshop, the customer wants to deploy the FCCM UI on a JBOSS web container running on SUSE Linux. How would you respond? (Choose the best answer.)
A. This is not possible, because SUSE Linux is not supported.
B. This is not possible, JBOSS is supported only on Oracle Enterprise Linux.
C. This is not possible, because JBOSS is not supported.
D. This is fine.
Answer: B
Q28. How many parties can a wire transaction involve? (Choose the best answer.)
A. two
B. four
C. six
D. more than six
Answer: D
Reference: AEahUKEwixnYz7iJjJAhVRCo4KHQMmDk8& egulation_and_supervision%2Fanti-money_laundering%2Fguidance_and_publications%2F5409198.pdf&usg=AFQjCNEgkdc4 hiwcoaz2yhitTELTr2swEQ&cad=rja
Q29. A user can take action on an alert according to their _______. (Choose the best answer.)
A. domain affiliation
B. jurisdiction affiliation
C. defined user role
D. scenario group affiliation
Answer: A
Q30. Which user role can access the Threshold Editor? (Choose the best answer.)
Answer: D